@All or nothing
I'm glad all of you could wake up, thank you for sharing that experience
if you take the red pill, you'll have knowledge, you'll be awakened, aware of reality, you'll have freedom.. if you take the blue pill, you stay in your bubble, wearing rose colored glasses, and feel security in an illusion.. taking the red pill isn't something that's easy to do.
to accept that everything around you is an illusion built up on lies or half truths.
but hey, it might feel good to be aware and break free from this illusion.
@All or nothing
I'm glad all of you could wake up, thank you for sharing that experience
if you take the red pill, you'll have knowledge, you'll be awakened, aware of reality, you'll have freedom.. if you take the blue pill, you stay in your bubble, wearing rose colored glasses, and feel security in an illusion.. taking the red pill isn't something that's easy to do.
to accept that everything around you is an illusion built up on lies or half truths.
but hey, it might feel good to be aware and break free from this illusion.
Well I'll be completely honest, I feel like I've always had doubts, like for me it was hard to be convinced that I was in the one true religion and try to convince people of that through field service. But I've always had questions, I was always questioning stuff by nature. There were some concepts that I wasn't aware about and it wasn't until that time that I started to actually research deep into this.
Honestly though thank you for those words, I didn't look at the way you mentioned. You're absolutely right, I think I was better off taking the red pill now than years later.
if you take the red pill, you'll have knowledge, you'll be awakened, aware of reality, you'll have freedom.. if you take the blue pill, you stay in your bubble, wearing rose colored glasses, and feel security in an illusion.. taking the red pill isn't something that's easy to do.
to accept that everything around you is an illusion built up on lies or half truths.
but hey, it might feel good to be aware and break free from this illusion.
If you take the red pill, you'll have knowledge, you'll be awakened, aware of reality, you'll have freedom.
If you take the blue pill, you stay in your bubble, wearing rose colored glasses, and feel security in an illusion.
Taking the red pill isn't something that's easy to do. To accept that everything around you is an illusion built up on lies or half truths. But hey, it might feel good to be aware and break free from this illusion. But is it? Because while you've taken the red pill, your friends, your family are still taking the blue pill. So now, you're alone and now you don't have anybody because they most likely will NEVER take the red pill.
As I type this, it has been a year since my doubts on the Org began to grow and I began researching and researching. Then the 2016 Presidential Election happened. And I was sure that the Great Tribulation was going to start soon. That's what I was hearing all around me. My parents were saying it, my friends, all the speculation. And I was frightened. I didn't want to be left out of the ark, or be outside of the "bunker" or basement, however you want to call it. But then January 2017 came and I still continued my research, it wasn't until then that I had finally woken up.
It was such a crazy experience, like removing headphones and looking to your left and right and seeing a whole bunch of smiling faces and nodding during the meetings and the thunderous applauds during an assembly over a young child getting baptized, dedicating the rest of their life, to this.
But see now I feel stuck, I question if all the research was worth it? Was I better off having taken the blue pill? Stay in the illusion, the fantasy? Keep my family and friends and marry a sister and raise young JW children the same way I was raised and indoctrinate them? Continuing to live with a chain and ball attached on my leg? I have no doubt that all of this psychologically messes a person up. See because now I've taken the red pill, and I can't go back, I can't take the blue pill, and because of that I can lose my family and friends. It's really sad isn't it? Anybody else every think about this?
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
If you won't have a tattoo (Leviticus 19:28). because the scripture in Micah says Jehovah(tm) doesn't change,(this was the reasoning at elders school), Why don't you obey 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.' Leviticus 19:19 same chapter?
I like this one, or even obeying verse 27 about not shaving the hairs on the sides of our heads or disfiguring our beards.
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
Explain to me Deut 18:20-22 and the false predictions that have been made
my conscience is so split now!.
if i sit, i am taking part in a political movement and getting involved in satan's system of things!.
if i stand, i am showing that i agree with satan's system and i am worshiping idols.. in all seriousness, witnesses loved this one because it made them "stand out".
I feel the same way, I work at a school and the children sometimes ask me why I don't recite the Pledge of Allegiance or put my hand on my chest. It's a very awkward conversation.
1.if the parents were to have no contact with there grown daughter why was she still in the house,?
there were also not supposed to grieve like aarons household yet they appeared to be grieving.
3. aaron case is different in that his entire family was not included in the no grieving?
The Witness argument of this would be "Yeah Aaron's sons were killed but when you become disfellowshipped you die spiritually"
well, this month's jw broadcasting had a curious piece of history class.
samuel herd was there, but i don't remember if it was him that presented it.
the theme was "how it was to be a jw in the years 1900.".
Wow so it's historical accuracy is all over the place
well, this month's jw broadcasting had a curious piece of history class.
samuel herd was there, but i don't remember if it was him that presented it.
the theme was "how it was to be a jw in the years 1900.".
I saw that actually, it was the short film Knock Knock. I actually caught the Jehovah's Witnesses name on the door of the car but the man in the video was preaching about the whole Millions Now Living Will Never Die campaign which I thought was weird cause I thought that took place in the 20s and the Witnesses didn't become Witnesses until '31
I get the feeling that it'll slip the mind of any Witness that watches it
i never understood why the society was against beards or goatees but completely okay with mustaches.
what's the difference?
facial hair is facial hair, whether it's above your lip or around your cheeks or under your chin.
Wow, so they're right in determining what he approves and disapproves of? I thought the Society did away with the whole type/anti type thing
Yes those are the pictures I was referring to! Can't believe it that they would actually illustrate bible characters like that and it's crazy how they illustrate the guy on Jesus' right with a full grown beard. Seems like since the 50's the Society was putting beards in a negative light in their magazines.